90% of businesses in Reading have 0-9 employees. At UTP, we specialise in providing small and medium businesses with payment solutions. Our payment solutions consist of card machines, eCommerce solutions and Virtual Terminals. This way, we can cater to the needs of any small or medium business in Reading.
If your business has one sales till, our countertop card machines are perfect. These card machines are fast, reliable, and easy to use. In the UK, 93% of all payments are made with a contactless card. All our card machines accept contactless payments, from any Visa, Mastercard or American Express card.

Portable Card Machines
Our portable card machines enable you to take payments in and around your business. These card machines are often used by businesses who take payment to the customer, like a restaurant. This machine is pocket-sized and light, making it easy to carry around your business.

Mobile Card Machines
You can accept card payments on the go with our mobile card machines. These card machines come with a roaming SIM card, which automatically connects to the strongest signal. Businesses that often use our mobile card machines are food trucks and other hospitality businesses.

eCommerce payment Gateway
Over 90% of the UK are online shoppers. If your business doesn't already sell goods or services online, this is a great way to make some extra income. Our eCommerce Payment Gateway enables your customers to shop your suite 24/7/365 from most countries around the world.

Virtual Terminal
A Virtual Terminal works like an online card machine. Our Virtual Terminals are mainly used for card-not-present orders. This could be a customer calling up to make a fast food order or making a table reservation with a deposit.
Additional Services We Offer
At UTP, we take pride in the large number of small and medium businesses we have helped succeed. We know that sometimes there's more to this than the latest card machines. Therefore, we offer other services to help your business run smoothly.
Cash Advance

Cash Advance is our flexible funding service. Unlike a bank loan, there are no repayment deadlines, and you don’t need to prove collateral. Instead, you will repay in proportion to your earnings.
Faster Processing

Faster Processing is free for our customers. It sees customers get paid in hours, rather than three to four working days, which is the standard for other merchant service providers.
UTP Shield

UTP Shield is another free service we provide for our customers. This is our anti-fraud protection service. It works by understanding your business average transaction.